The Ultimate Guide to Batch Cooking Low Carb Freezer Meals
Wouldn’t it be nice if you were like some (many) celebrities who eat a ketogenic diet? You’d have a personal chef catering every meal, taking the stress out of cooking every night and making your motivation and willpower a complete non-issue. Or maybe you’d have a food delivery service. At the beginning of each week,…
The Research-Driven Guide to Keto and Fertility
If you struggle with getting or staying pregnant, you’re not alone. The Center for Disease Control estimates that about 12% of women ages 15 to 44 in the United States have difficulty conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term. That’s about 1 in 8 couples. In addition, more than 7.3 million women have invested money…
The 7 Benefits of Grass Fed Beef: The Nutritional Powerhouse
Grass-fed beef is one of the most nutrient-dense proteins you can buy. It has an extensive micronutrient profile and contains many brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids. Still, some sceptics argue that there isn’t a difference between grass-fed and conventional beef. Below, you’ll learn the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef, seven unique health benefits of grass-fed…
The Secret to Keto Dairy (And How Keto Can Help Lactose Intolerance)
Good news, cheese lovers: yes, you can enjoy dairy on a ketogenic diet! It’s not only a delicious snack; cheese may be the extra boost of fat you need to hit your daily macros. But before you go overboard on that meat and cheese plate, eating dairy on keto comes with a few words of caution,…
How to Track Ketogenic Diet Results
Want the keto diet to work for you but not sure how to tell if it is? Time to power up your tracking skills! The only way to know if things are working is by learning how to track ketogenic diet results. Whether you’re looking for weight loss or more mental clarity, we’ll be going…
Dry Fasting: The Truth About This New Health Industry Trend
While the most popular fasting method involves drinking massive amounts of water, there’s another way to do an intermittent fast… Dry fasting. Why dry? This type of fasting takes water out of the equation. If the first question pops into your head is “wouldn’t I get dehydrated?” you’re in good company. Most people brush off…
Worried About Carbs in Potatoes? 6 Low Carb Potato Substitutes
Potatoes are a staple seen at most dinner tables. You can find them baked, scalloped, roasted or pan-fried; you can enjoy them as hash browns, french fries, tater tots, or a salad. Have you ever heard someone describe themselves or others as a real “meat and potatoes” type? Or maybe you’ve heard someone say, “Let’s…
Is Sugar Low Carb Friendly? Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners on Keto
Have you ever noticed that when you’ve been consuming a lot of sugar, your body begins to crave it more and more? Yet when you cut sugar out of your diet completely, the cravings stop (after a little while). Why is that? Does sugar have some magical power over us that completely neglects any impulse control…
Does Fat Make You Fat? Research Shows the Real Culprit May Surprise You
The theory that eating fat makes you gain weight has been debunked by science. Sadly, many people still believe that fat consumption is why so many of us are overweight. Looking at it from a caloric perspective, it would make sense to think that dietary fat would make you gain weight because it contains nine…
Keto Energy: How a Ketogenic Diet is the Secret to Sustained Energy
Do you experience spurts of energy that peak after a meal and dip drastically when you go too long without eating? Do your friends and family stash snacks around, so you never cross into the hangry zone and become a monster? I get it. I was there too. Before I knew any better, I followed…