The Truth About Keto and How It’s Ruining Your Health

Do you feel like your happy, healthy, and fun-loving self these days? If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the keto diet or a very low-carbohydrate diet variant. Keep reading to know the real deal with keto and why you should be doing it the right way.

If you’re wondering what keto is and how it’s related to your health, you’re in the right place. There’s a lot to unpack regarding the keto diet and its relation to health. But luckily, we’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide on everything keto. Here’s what you need to know about keto and how it’s ruining your health.

What is the keto diet, and how does it work?

The keto diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein diet. It’s very similar to the Atkins diet, but it’s much more flexible thanks to its low carb content. However, the main difference is that you won’t be eating any grains, legumes, or starchy vegetables on the keto diet.

Instead, you can focus on high-fat meat, fish, and eggs. You can eat dessert only once a week on the keto diet. By consuming a high-fat diet, you can control your blood sugar levels and experience a better-than-normal mood. This is because high-fat foods like butter, ghee, avocado, and coconut milk naturally keep your mood and mentality high.

The benefits of a low-carb diet

As you can see, there are many benefits to following a keto diet. One of the main advantages of the diet is that it boosts metabolism, helps fight cancer, provides energy, and improves health. While on a keto diet, you can enjoy better health.

For instance, reduced cholesterol and blood pressure are two common benefits of the diet. Additionally, a study on mice found that the keto diet elicited a higher secretion of Guardians of the Galaxy-like proteins in the mice’s muscles, leading to powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

What you can and can’t eat on the keto diet

While the entire diet follows a low-carbohydrate protocol, specific foods aren’t allowed. To start a keto diet, you’ll need to determine what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. The following list includes some examples: – Carbohydrates – You can’t eat them. They’re not okay for the body to absorb. – Fat – You can’t eat that either. It’ll come out in your stool and make you gain weight.

– Any food with a high glycemic index – Don’t eat that. It’ll mess with your body’s hormones and make you gain weight. – Refined sugar – You can’t eat that. It’ll make you gain weight. – Bread or baked goods with added carbohydrates – You can’t eat those either. They’ll make you gain weight. – Fast food – You can’t eat that either. It’ll make you gain weight.

The side effects of the keto diet

As you can see, there are a lot of side effects to the keto diet. Many people who try the diet drop it because of the lack of energy and motivation to do the exercises they need to stay in shape. People also often worry about whether they should add more fat to their diet.

The keto diet is not meant to be extremely low in fat. The precise amount of fat you should eat depends on your body weight and health. In general, you should eat 20-35% protein and 65-10% fat. For example, if you weigh 120lbs and want to eat 60% protein and 35% fat, you’dposaleschleu’minimumfatof21lbs.


Keto is a high-fat diet that is often touted as a way to lose weight. However, the diet isn’t healthy for everyone and can lead to bad outcomes, including high blood pressure and an increased risk of developing diabetes.

While it’s true that a low-carbohydrate diet can be dangerous, especially for people on a low-fiber diet, a keto diet is worse. A keto diet is high in fat and protein and is not recommended for people with diabetes or cardiovascular conditions.

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